I used to help organize events called “Meet your Farmer”. These events were meant to help our community get to know their local farmers. This was a really fun community event where people could actually put a face to those farm products and CSA programs that they participated in. This was also a great opportunity for people to get to know each other and to build community connections.

This made me think of the importance of giving you the opportunity to get to know me a little and how wonderful it would be for me to be able to get to know some of you too! You see, once you are in the course, you will get access to videos, articles, photos and our private Facebook page but more importantly, you get to be a part of a community where other folks are learning how to reach their homesteading goals, just like you. They share their progress and designs. Students get to know each other, share resources (like seeds, plants and supplies) and sometimes they go to each other’s places and help each other out on projects. There is a lot to benefit from by participating in the course. What is also unique about this course is that you get to participate in live sessions and I am actually here to mentor you, answer questions and help you along the way. That sets this course above and beyond the others.

I’ve also created some unique tools specific to the Pacific Northwest region. This is important since so many books, blogs and videos on permaculture and homesteading are not in our USDA Zone or general region. The information shared in the SongCroft Homestead School Course is tailored to the Western Washington area. So whether you are reading our blog posts or downloading our Planting and Harvesting Chart or are taking our courses. you will get information that is perfect for this area.

So if you haven’t already, check out the video where I introduce myself and share why I teach homesteading skills, to see if we are a good fit. I’d love to help you. If you have any questions about the course, go ahead and comment below. Thanks.

To learn even more about Marilene, Songcroft, and permaculture ethics, visit www.songcroft.com. Oh, and if you like this article, you will love our courses.